Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio: Trump Is The Essence Of Socialism

December 11, 2016

Trump’s Carrier intervention may just send an equally loud, but nearly opposite signal: that the White House is going to pick winners and losers, that it can be rolled, that industrial policy is back, that Trump cares more about seeming like a savior than sticking to clear and universal rules, and that there is now no major political party in America that rejects crony capitalism as a matter of principle; Conservatives said that the great triumph of the Reagan years was a Democrat party so chastened that it nominated Bill Clinton, the reluctant welfare reformer and free-trader who by his own rueful reckoning pursued the policies of an Eisenhower Republican. The great triumph of the Obama years, for progressives, anyway, is a Republican party so debased that it happily embraces Trump and the "progressive" policies (and racism) of George Wallace; and The totalitarian Left has spent decades cultivating a thousand little Castros throughout the United States, and they gestated one big Trump.