Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio: No Way Out

November 06, 2016

Both are tired. Both face demographic challenges. Both will be forced to adjust from their current iteration, whether they like it or not. Whether they do so in a positive way is anybody’s guess. But here we are in 2016, with both parties facing absurdist candidates who will likely hasten that pending adjustment. Here’s the real kicker: Whoever “wins” this year may just end up winning the first painful wake-up call; and more than previous elections, there is a hope that one of the candidates this year will save America from the other. For those of us in neither camp, the idea is preposterous. It matters little to us who wins Tuesday because both are unfit to lead. Voting Hillary to save us from Trump sounds the same as voting Trump to save us from Hillary. We may be “rescued” from one, but we’ll just end up with evil in a different name.