HPE: High Point Talks

HPE: High Point Talks

Just Run With It (Episode 7): ​Lost Runners, LLC and running for a really long time with John Doggett

July 18, 2017

​If you enjoy trail running around the Triad, you probably know John Doggett​. He’s the race director of Lost Runner, LLC, which puts on various trail races in the Triad. But he also makes time to run for himself, although it’s not always a walk in the park. He’s completed some gnarly races, including a 100-miler and the grueling Georgia Death Race. We talk about the trail running community in the Triad, what it’s like to organize a race and his unique running tattoos.
​If you’re looking for more information on the races John mentions in this podcast, check out the Lost Runners 24, Dogge​ttville 12 and Lakeside Trail Race​ on Facebook.