Homebrewed Christianity Podcast

Homebrewed Christianity Podcast

Wesley Wildman on the #GodDebacle

October 03, 2015

It is time to prepare yourself for the #GodDebacle. There is no one better to have on to prime the pump than Wesley Widman. As fellow scholar and friend of both Philip Clayton and LeRon Shults he is not only able to introduce the landscape of the debacle but the participants as well. He even ends the podcast with some rather specific questions towards both of them!

Wesley Wildman is a professor at Boston University, in the Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics

Department within the School of Theology. He teaches and writes in those areas, and also in religion and science issues--especially the scientific study of religion. To support the scientific study of religion, he co-founded the Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion and the instant-feedback survey site Explore My Religion. 

In order to live stream the God Debacle you need to claim your free ticket. Head over to the eventbrite page now, use the Facebook page to invite others and make sure to enter the raffle for some free books below. If you are in the SoCal area and want to attend live make sure you get a physical ticket and arrive in time for the Happy Hour!

Are you going to live stream with friends? Want to invite some other nerds over for the fun? Interested in getting some free books for doing so? Then let me know you are hosting a viewing party and we can make sure to hook you up and try to include the groups in the online festivities. Just email me: podcast[at]homebrewedchristianity[dot]com.

a Rafflecopter giveaway