Parenting Today’s Teens

Parenting Today’s Teens

Training Topics

February 13, 2013
(Click title to listen)


Parents often approach me and ask how they should be training their kids to survive in today’s culture.  It’s a great question!

Here are some of the core areas for parents to focus on:

  • Train your teen to handle rejection and disappointment by allowing them to experience both.
  • Train your teen to appreciate hard work.
  • Train them to make wise decisions by working through the consequences of poor ones.
  • Train them to bounce back from mistakes.
  • Train them to handle money by giving them a checkbook early on.
  • And finally… train them to choose the path of integrity, honesty and keeping their word.

Those aren’t my insights … they come straight from the Bible.  Time- tested wisdom that won’t let you down!  Mom, Dad … let’s help our kids know how to survive in today’s culture.

©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

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