Handyguys TV - High Definition iTunes

Handyguys TV - High Definition iTunes

What is the best mouse trap?

July 12, 2013

The Handyguys review a plethora of mouse traps all purchased at our local hardware store. Whether you have mice, voles or rats, there is a trap for you.


Why are there so many mouse trap choices? Everyone seems to be trying to build that proverbial better mousetrap!
Mouse Trap Types

There are two basic choices, to kill the mouse or a catch and release. If you opt for catch and release please release far far away from my house!
Kill traps (http://astore.amazon.com/handyguys-20/search?node=236&keywords=mouse+trap&x=19&y=13&preview=)
include various spring and glue traps (http://astore.amazon.com/handyguys-20/search?node=236&keywords=mouse+trap&x=19&y=13&preview=).
No Kill traps (http://astore.amazon.com/handyguys-20/search?node=236&keywords=mouse+trap+live&x=-730&y=-92&preview=)
include boxes and cages that are mouse sized. (http://astore.amazon.com/handyguys-20/search?node=236&keywords=mouse+trap+live&x=-730&y=-92&preview=)