Seed World Canada

Seed World Canada

Latest Episodes

Genomics Tools in Pulse Breeding? Glen Hawkins Says it’s Complicated
March 28, 2023

Glen Hawkins, seed production manager and pulse breeder for DL Seeds and chair of the Prairie Recommending Committee for Pulses and Special Crops, sits down with Marc Zienkiewicz to chat about whats

Dana Maxwell on the Importance of Informed Decision Making
March 24, 2023

Dana Maxwell, CEO of Manitobas Ag-Quest and chair of the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT), sits down with Marc Zienkiewicz in Banff, Alta. Feb. 28, to talk about t

How Tom Steve Learned to Navigate PGDC
March 09, 2023

Tom Steve, general manager for Alberta Wheat and Barley, sits down with Marc Zienkiewicz in Banff, Alta. on Feb. 28, 2023 to chat about why the Prairie Grain Development Committee (PGDC) is such an im

Why Hulless Barley is a Big Deal in the Food World
March 01, 2023

By identifying the specific characteristics that affect end-use quality in different food systems, Marta Izydorczyks research program at the Canadian Grain Commissions Milling and Malting Grain Rese

In 2023, Tom Greaves is Going to Keep on Learning
January 05, 2023

Tom Greaves, president of Pitura Seeds and the Manitoba Seed Growers Association (MSGA), sat down with Marc Zienkiewicz at the recent MSGA annual meeting to discuss what he learned over the past year

3 SRM Task Teams Have Finished Their Work. They’re About to Reveal Their Findings
November 17, 2022

Seeds Canada is about to head to Ottawa for its first in-person semi-annual meeting. An exciting agenda is planned, including a big reveal: three Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM) task teams have fi

Register Now for the 2022 Corteva Ag Sciences Symposium
November 09, 2022

Its that time of year again time for the Corteva Agricultural Sciences Symposium at the University of Guelph. This years symposium takes place Nov. 16 at the University of Guelph, and is being h

Do More Ag Features New Sticker Collection
September 12, 2022

The Do More Agriculture Foundation (Do More Ag) recently released its new Mental Health Support Stickers, designed to promote mental health on farms and at businesses where support and resources are n

Why Andy Horgan Wears his Failed Startup Like a Badge of Honor
August 10, 2022

Andrew Horgan, National Association of Plant Breeders 2022 Borlaug Scholar and Texas A&M grad student, sits down to chat about working with fruit and how an experience with a failed coffee startup tau

How a College Football Rivalry Inspired a Plant Breeder
August 09, 2022

Sarah Jones is a PhD student in Plant Breeding in the Soynomics group at Iowa State University and a 2022 National Association of Plant Breeders Borlaug Scholar. Studying with Dr. Danny Singh, she res