Geek News Central Podcast (Video)

Geek News Central Podcast (Video)

GNC #1052 Let’s call it Soup - Geek News Central (Video)

August 11, 2015

Time for a new business, if Google can call their new company Alphabet, I can call my new company Soup. Kidding aside, big news out of Google today with the restructuring of the company. The stock market loves the proceedings, time will tell if it was a smart move.

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Listener Links:
$9.00 Wall USB / Outlet.
Verizon versus T-Mobile.
Magic Leap?

Show Notes:
Alphabet 1.
Alphabet 2.
Alphabet 3.
Sundar is CEO of Google.
Women on Mars.
China reading WH Staffers emails.
Windows 10 Update gone Bad.
YouTube versus Twich.
Car in a Bag.
Explore Mars.
Proper Planning keeps you out of Jail.
Apple Software fail?
Windows Performance Factors.
Spotify Cutting back on Free.
Comment on ICANN release by Uncle Sam.
North Korea Internet outage due to extension cord.
Adobe Parental Liberal Leave Policy.
Hangout App Updated.
Blackhat Conference more than Hacking.
Vimeo DMCA Broken.
Uber in Saudi.
Google+ a failure?
iPhone 6s Bendgate no more?
Veggie in Space.