

TheatreCast #066- Renaissance Faire Acting Opportunities

November 03, 2014

This Week on TheatreCast:  Join Nick Cusumano and Danielle Filas as they welcome Whitney Christiansen,  a Theatre teacher in Eminence, Kentucky.  Whitney will show how she uses Renaissance Faire experience with her students. This past year, one of students collaborated with her to create a modern version of “Everyman,” (the medieval morality play,) and two years ago they also created a play based on common misconceptions people hold regarding the medieval era, called “Mythconceptions.” On top of their stage shows, the kids also create their own characters, which they then use to populate our fictional Scottish town of Briarwood.

Hosts: Nick Cusumano (@edtech4theatre)

Danielle Filas (@msfilas)

Guest: Whitney Christiansen(whits_end@live.com)

Kentucky Renaissance Faire website  (kyrenfaire.com)

TheatreCast Show Notes

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