

Edge God In Podcast 33: How to Release Attachments that Stress You Out!

March 17, 2019


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Dear Lord,

Help! I am attached to positions, responses, people and situations outside of myself and it's stressing me out. Fill me with the ability to choose 1 attachment: my heart to yours, my will to yours. It is for freedom that you have set me free from the shiny objects and loud voices in the world, help me to declare with conviction what St. Paul declared at the end of his life: I consider all things a loss compared to the surpassing knowledge of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Interrupt me when I am spun out because I have attached my meaning and significance to the outside world. Bring me back home to you where my peace is profound and my joy is complete.

Holy Scripture Focus:

Matthew 16:24-26
Philippians 3:4-14
1 Timothy 5:3-10