

Podcast 17:A Negativity Detox: Step 1

September 29, 2017


Edge God In Podcast Week 17: A Negativity Detox: Step 1

The focus for this study is a very timely topic and as we find ourselves surrounded by negativity. Let's face it, you can't give out to the world what you don't take time to master within. With that said, it makes perfect sense that the first step in a negativity detox requires high noticing around the negative elements you are allowing into your interior castle, those tenants that you are giving free rent to who are trashing your interior world, AND a willingness by the assistance of the HELPER, the Holy Spirit to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 is a worthy verse of memorization: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”


The discovery of mirror neurons, in my opinion, is one of those biological wake up calls that reveals an essential element to the point of entry of negativity: our thought life… which ignites our emotional state of being. An emotion is simply your body's response to your thought life. Mirror neurons fire in the sender of information and the receiver. Basically, anger evokes anger, love evokes love. Whatever you are experiencing emotionally triggers similar emotions in people around you. God biologically wired us to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. What was meant for good can easily be flipped to evil when we allow the emotions of envy, strife, bitterness, and judgment live under the roof of our minds.


Once you invite the Holy Spirit within your interior castle to help you master this space and detox your mind by evicting those tenants who thrive on negativity: drama judgment/accusation/shame, conflict, confusion, overwhelm, fear, doubt, worry you begin to reclaim the inner freedom of positivity Christ died to give you and you are then in a position to be able to step into being the light of the world, a city set on a hill to give light to all who see it.

As Romans 12:1 reveals to us the way in which we transform out of negativity into the positive, confident space of the One who has equipped us with a spirit of power, love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7, self-control over negative rumination) is to meditate upon that which is good, right, true, beautiful, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8).

Reflect: Read Matthew 5:14-16

How much time do I spend meditating on what is beautiful in the eyes of the Lord?
What is your “basket” that dims your light? What specific negative thoughts keep you from putting your light on a lampstand for all to see? What will it take to remove your basket?
What specific shiny objects draw me away from my calling to be a light in this world, a city set on a hill?
What negative thoughts do I want to detox from my life so that my light can shine before men in such a way that others see my good works and glorify God?

Identify & Integrate:

Be aware: those little serpents do not evacuate without a fight. Messages will pop up out of nowhere sabotaging your best efforts to evict and detox your head trash. Messages like: "WHAT? You might miss out on something if you don't stay in the know of the drama! The judgment of others keeps you safe in your belief system. Conflict keeps you in the game. Who would you be if you didn't worry? Worry gives you a sense of control over the unknown. When you worry or fear at least you are alert and not caught off guard if something bad happens, you are standing guard and ready to fight." You may want to step into the calm of Philippians 4:6 and live a life without anxiety but if your mind is filled with anxiety producing statements you will end up mucking around in negativity.