Black Authors Network Talk Show

Black Authors Network Talk Show

CrownHolder Conversations - Dionne Peart and James Lee Nathan III

February 22, 2016

Butterfly by Dionne Peart

Sydney Lincoln’s future was mapped out for her even before she left the womb. Swept along by the ambitions of her traditional Caribbean parents, Sydney ends up with a legal career she never planned to have. The thought of one more deathbed deposition spurs her to make a change from her small Washington, D.C. law firm to a position with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Change brings challenge for Sydney who must also confront the realities of her friendship with Loren, a successful interior designer whose carefree lifestyle leads Sydney to question who she really is.

An ordinary day turns into a nightmare for Sydney when she is thrown into a situation that threatens to derail her career. Forced to confront the truth, Sydney must choose between loyalty and self – a decision that could change her life forever.


Ibrahim Unites (Are There No More Dragon Warriors?)  by James Lee Nathan III

“Open your eyes and believe”: ZION RIVERS, an international man of action and the last ALLUNDAE GRANDMASTER, is a member of an ALIEN race that came to earth over 20,000 years ago. He searches for the remnants of his kind, to halt a growing EVIL in the guise of cult leader LANDEN MUELLER (an Allundae of lesser stock known as the SANGANESE). Mueller has developed a cult following numbering in the tens of thousands and seeks to corrupt mankind by replacing established religions with his own perversion. He is allied with an ancient enemy of the Allundae, the FICAR EGO, from the planet MAKUWE in the CYGNUS star system.