Državljan D

Državljan D

Latest Episodes

098 Mark Dempsey and digital activism fatigue
April 15, 2024

How do we move ahead with digital activism and what's next for the digital EU?

097 Alja Isakovič in etični razvoj tehnologije
March 15, 2024

Kaj lahko rei odgovoren razvoj informacijske drube in esa ne?

096 Katarina Bervar Sternad in boj za človekove pravice
February 14, 2024

Za koga so lovekove pravice in kdo je proti njim?

095 Urška Henigman in spolnost med politiko, mediji in družbo
January 14, 2024

Zakaj je seks prvovrstna politina tema in kdo ga iz spalnic prestavlja v parlament?

094 Claudio Agosti and the algorithm economy
December 14, 2023

How do sharing economy and algorithmic transparency work together?

093 Sarah Lamdan and data cartels
November 14, 2023

How to investigate data cartels and why are they becoming such a problem?

092 Callum Voge and human rights online
October 15, 2023

What's going on with human rights online?

091 Paris Marx and the future of cars
September 15, 2023

Is car of the future called a bus?

090 Olga Tokariuk and the threat of AI-powered propaganda
July 15, 2023

What was the impact of generative AI propaganda in the case of Russian invasion of Ukraine?

089 Philip Di Salvo and the question of media in surveillance capitalism
June 15, 2023

What role do journalists play in surveillance capitalism?