Doc and Jock Podcast

Doc and Jock Podcast

E220 | Snatch Balance for Longevity

September 25, 2017

Episode 220 of the Doc and Jock Podcast special one. For the first time in a long time Doc Danny & Coach Joe got together in the same place to talk about the snatch balance how it's the MOST important movement on the planet.

Olympic weightlifters use the snatch balance to improve their speed & strength into the bottom of the snatch. However it's probably one of the most beneficial lifts for life. If you look at the movement, the requirements of flexibility in the snatch balance are so high that if you can master the movements it what would normally be a ACL tear in sport and makes it a knee sprain. The positional strength requirement of the snatch balance translate to an elderly person who's slip in fall is just an embarrassing moment rather than it being a trip to the E.R.

On this episode we talk about how to mobilize for the snatch balance, how to scale it and then how to make it perfect once you own the movement.

Check out our accompanying video here