Dyslexics Wanted

Dyslexics Wanted

Alex Maclean -010

November 19, 2018

Alex Maclean-  A conversation between Jordan Rich and pilot and photographer, Alex Maclean, who has flown his plane over much of the United States documenting the landscape. Alex is dyslexic, and in this interview he talks about his early diagnosis in the 1950’s and how his mother, recognizing the disparity between his curiosity and intelligence, and his reading ability, read to him so that he could keep up with his schoolwork; in fact he excelled in school, and graduated from Harvard College.  He credits having dyslexia with his ability to think spatially and translate what he sees in his mind’s eye into images taken through his camera lens. Trained as an architect, he has portrayed the history and evolution of the land from vast agricultural patterns to city grids, recording changes brought about by human intervention and natural processes. His powerful and descriptive images provide clues to understanding the relationship between the natural and constructed environments. MacLean’s photographs have been exhibited widely in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia, and are found in private, public and university collections. To see images of and learn more about Alex’s work, go to AlexMaclean.com. To discover ways to support and become involved with Decoders, the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia’s groundbreaking film project celebrating the strengths of dyslexia, please visit us at WICD.org.