Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 171: How Free Are You to Run Your Business?

March 20, 2017

This episode isn’t so much about entrepreneurs as it is about how the government or double-standards can take freedoms away from people; freedoms that you might think aren’t in jeopardy.
The first example is about whether a business owner can refuse business based on the owner’s deeply-held beliefs. There are two different sets of ideas on this, but many times their held by the same people.
The second example asks; can you make a product in your kitchen that is non-narcotic, perfectly legal, and that other people want to buy? Maybe, maybe not. The government may have something to say about that. What do you have to say about it?
Mentioned links:
Designer Sophie Theallet Vows Never To Work With Melania Trump
University Students Stumble over Who Has Freedom to Live and Work According to Beliefs
Amish Farmer Sam Girod is in Jail… His Enemies Want Him there for Life

Show transcript
Should Sophie Theallet be sued? Most people, I imagine, would say No, she shouldn’t. He name was in the news recently, but you might have missed it.
Ms. Theallet had been providing dresses for Michelle Obama to wear, but has said she will refuse to do so for Melania Trump. Why? Well, because of her deeply held beliefs about discrimination and prejudice, and her thought that Donald Trump doesn’t share her values. She noted that, as a family-owned company, she doesn’t want to provide services to someone who’s behavior is incompatible with the values that she lives by.
Does this sound familiar? Well, don’t get ahead of me just yet.
The Alliance Defending Freedom decided to go out and find out what the youth of today thought of this, so they got a camera and a microphone and went to the University of Wisconsin – Madison and asked students if they agreed with what Ms. Theallet was doing. Turns out all the students they interviewed thought that she should be allowed to turn down work if it violated her beliefs. The ADF then asked the students about a local ordinance that said that if you do turn down work, that you can be sued. They thought that, too, was violating your rights as a business. Then the interviewer asked them if a Christian church asked a Muslim singer to sing at their Easter service, should the church be able to sue the singer if the singer turned them down. It was a little stickier situation for the students, but generally they thought that, no, the singer should not be forced to perform against their religious beliefs.
Then the ADF interviewer moved to a question about a local story. Should a photographer who is a Christian be forced to take pictures at a same-sex wedding ceremony? All of a sudden, the students got very quiet. Apparently, to these voters, being forced to violate your political beliefs, or certain types of religious beliefs, are beyond the pale. But for Christians, the double standard has to kick in. I wonder how many of these students who back Ms. Theallet’s family-owned business also thought the family-owned Hobby Lobby was wrong.
So consider this: who is consistent in their beliefs; conservatives who want freedom for all businesses, or liberals who have different standards based on whether or not you agree with them? Because when you get down to it, that’s really the only difference in their double-standard. If you agree with liberals, they’ll let you do what you want. If  you don’t, you get thrown in jail. And remember, these are the people who think conservatives are the ones trying to force their beliefs down everyone’s collective throats.