Connected Families Podcast

Connected Families Podcast

I Feel Overwhelmed and Hopeless | Ep. 3

July 03, 2019

Parenting is hard. It takes everything we have...and then some. What happens when we get to the point of feeling totally overwhelmed and hopeless? On this Connected Families Podcast episode, we discuss these overwhelmed feelings, pull them apart, and ask what we can do about them. 

Our guest today is parenting coach and Connected Families co-founder, Lynne Jackson. Lynne clearly remembers the times she felt overwhelmed and hopeless as she raised her three rambunctious kids. She will bring practical ideas to encourage you today. 

In this podcast we discuss:

How expectations can feed feelings of hopelessness.
The idea behind toxic half-truths.  
Two key questions to help us identify and replace toxic lies with God’s truth.

Help your child feel safe, loved, called and capable, and responsible for their actions. Check out the following resources:

Parenting Assessment (FREE!) Take this 24-question (15-minute) assessment to learn your parenting strengths and opportunities for growth. 
Peaceful Mothering DVD We’ve developed this DVD (and corresponding discussion handouts) to be used for Mom groups (like MOPS) but individuals and groups of friends will benefit as well.

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