YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

Unlock the Secrets to TAPPING Success to Transform Your World with Mia Doucet

October 26, 2017

Are you familiar with energy psychology and Meridian Tapping or "EFT"? Are you ready to uncover the unconscious programming that is running your life and learn the most effective way to tapping?

Tapping is a set of techniques which utilize the body's energy meridian points. It's a “Universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues.

In this episode our guest explains why tapping may not have transformed your life yet and what to do to improve your results.

Have you been doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results to find yourself in the same place where you started? “Repetition of patterns” or as your mind refer to them as familiar memories that dictate your life.

Are you ready to make profound changes in your life and in your bussiness? Are you ready to resolve the underlying issues that kept you stuck and find the answers and the healings you’ve been looking for?

If you answered yes, we invite you to join us for this informative episode with the author of “TAPPING” Transform Your World" Mia Doucet. 

For more information, please contact us at:

Disclaimer: Your Life Now show is intended to be for information purpose and thought-provoking please question everything and make the decision that is right for you. It’s your life, so why don’t you live it your way?