YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

Making DECISIONs that makes YOUR LIFE work

May 28, 2015

When was the last time you evaluated the choices you are making in your life?

Are you happy with the choices you are making in your life? Are the results working for you? and their results, wouldn’t be wise to question how you are making your choices and try to do something about it? Ask yourself, am I making good decisions in my life? If yes, list them, if not, ask yourself why not. What would you do better to make better decisions and better choices?

Making choices: “The single most important thing you can ever do to make your life work.”

Did you know that every choice you make, big or small, could be an important choice? 

Today I will share with you some helpful tips and suggestions for making choices that can make your life work.

Here is to making great Choices one Choice at time!

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Love & Gratitude,

Coach Rea W.