YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

Clear Vision Clear Results for Yourself and your Business

February 09, 2017

Why is it so difficult for many to see and have a clear Vision of what they want for themselves and for their business?

Here are six important elements to a successful strategic plan:
VisionMissionCore ValuesStrategic areas of focusStrategic goalsAction plans
Did you notice what comes first? VISION always comes first. Always. If you have a clear vision, you would eventually attract the right strategy. However if you don't have a clear vision, no strategy will save you.

I have seen this over and over again in my professional practice as an executive coach and business advisor and in my personal life. Once I get clear on what I wanted, the how almost took care of itself. Today I will share with you a few suggestions and tips on how to create a clear vision for yourself and for your business.

Think about this: What if, you can spend some time somewhere private to clear your mind with one objective in mind and the objective is to get crystal-clear on what your vision is? What do you want to see happen? What would your vision look like a year from now, three years from now and so on? Don't be concerned with the HOW, stay focused on your vision.

If you think about the how too soon, you most likely to inhibit your vision (Your “what”) and block yourself from thinking big. What we truly need is a vision that is so big and compelling not only to others, but yourself.

 Your Vision should be so compelling, so it can motivate you to stay the course and accomplish your vision.

So grab your notebook, a piece of paper and list your vision statement! Write it down and do what it take to see it clearly.

Follow your vision, even if others cannot see it. Vision gives your life purpose and living on purpose is what life is all about. ~Coach Rea