Charles Carroll Society Podcast

Charles Carroll Society Podcast

#Podcast 02-2016: Understand your power – What we can learn from the recent terrorist attacks #stopislam #patriot

July 14, 2016

Podcast Show Notes:

Understand your power - What we can learn from the recent terrorist attacks

Muslims attack airport in Brussels with bombs.  32 dead, 300 wounded.  Progressives = blame white people (nationalistic political parties), have men with scary guns walk around.  Light candles, lay flowers, make buildings show up in different colors.  Bomb empty buildings in Syria and Iraq.

Muslims attack airport in Turkey with bombs.  36 dead, 147 wounded.  Authoritarians = blame white people (the West), have men with scary guns beat and kill a bunch of people.  These are muslims and they know that you must kill your enemy to survive.

Muslims attack homosexuals in Orlando with a gun.  49 dead, 53 wounded.  Progressives = blame white people (Christian Republicans), blame guns, have men with scary guns walk around.  Light candles, lay flowers, make buildings show up in different colors.

Muslims attack French (Nice) people with truck.  Over 80 dead, hundreds wounded.  Progressives = blame white people (French National Front), blame the truck, have men with scary guns walk around.  Light candles, lay flowers make buildings show up in different colors.  Military bomb empty buildings in Iraq and Syria.

Authoritarian progressives have no plans to keep you safe.  This podcast explains why and what we patriots can learn from the terrorist enemy.
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