

C4P 9: Unsolicited Advice

August 03, 2016

Most of us have extended family and friends who truly care about our welfare and the welfare of our children. Sometimes their behavior makes it seem that they really don’t have our best interest at heart when they strongly give their opinions about how we should raise our children

Let’s say that your mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, and maybe even close friends have strong opinions about what they think you should do next with your child or how you should handle certain struggles.

Let’s say that you don’t necessarily agree with their opinions or maybe not every aspect of the advice they are so freely giving you. What do you do?

Bible Passages:

Prov. 11:14


Prov. 24:6

Ask God to direct you to folks who can give good information

Love those who give you unasked-for advice

1) Listen to what they have to say. Really listen. Try to keep your frustrations at bay and set them aside for a minute and focus only on what this person wants to tell you.

2) Acknowledge their concern.

3) Tell them you appreciate their love/concern/care for your child and your family and that you will take into consideration what they have to say.

Fortify your Confidence Level

1) Take in all the information and advice that you have gotten and consider each piece.

2) If you are married, sit down with your spouse and chat about it from all angles.

3) Pray for wisdom.

4) Ask trusted prayer warriors to pray for you as you decide what to do today and ongoing as your raise your child.

5) Trust your gut (which I believe is the Holy Spirit guiding you) and always consider what your spouse or your child’s mom or dad is wanting.

6) Make your decision or decisions and go with it.

7) Always be willing to re-evaluate but go forth in confidence with your plans after considering all of the above.

Tip for the Day: Create Electronic Free Times for the Whole Family

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