Cafecito Break

Cafecito Break

Boundaries, Guilty Pleasures, Juilian Assange, DNA Reprogramming y mas

May 14, 2019

CONTEMPLATE THIS – What sort of boundaries should we set in our lives?
In this episode Ruthie and RA chat: Spiritual Boundaries, Boundaries with Family Members, Guilty Pleasures, Julian Assange, Can DNA be Reprogrammed y mas…
"Every one of us puts up emotional and mental boundaries in the
interest of self-protection, and mental wellness professionals agree
that boundaries are healthy. Spiritual boundaries are similarly
beneficial to our spiritual well-being. There should be clear
boundaries to govern the beliefs we hold and how we put those beliefs
into practice.

Not having spiritual boundaries can lead to theological confusion and
the misbehavior that comes with it. The Bible tells us that the
spiritually immature are “tossed back and forth by the waves, and
blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and
craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14).
How can we avoid being deceived by the schemes of false teachers?
Study the Word (2 Timothy 2:15), obey the Word (Psalm 119:33), and set
spiritual boundaries."  (source)
Today Tune in & focus on BALANCE…Balance silence & reflection with activity, feelings with intellect, compassion with justice, truth with loving kindness, and courage with discernment. Believe in the power of Grace…expect it, be willing & open to receive it, and let the light of Divine Grace illuminate your next steps in your flowering journey of growth & evolvement. BLOOM!

Ruthie Reports - It is up to us to Stay Informed & Keep Growing. So here is my HOT item that is very relevant TODAY ….

* My first topic comes from a Twitter post by @LisaBritton. (

She asks: What is a specific “women’s issue” that you think actually IS a problem that should be addressed? Can you think of one? I want your voice to be heard. Here’s a sample of the responses:

* As a woman, the most important issue (aside from border security) is my family’s health freedom. #vaccines #GMOS #Geoengineering I pay more for healthcare because I CHOOSE naturopathic, homeopathic, Acupuncture, etc... (currently not covered by insurance)
* Equal Pay
* Instead of having the legal power of life and death over babies, they should have the legal right to choose life or death for rapists.
* Keep Sharia Law out of the US
* I know many young mothers that CANNOT get a decent financial break in courts against deadbeat dads.
* No accountability or consequences for getting what money they’re supposed to get and no help with restraining orders, when violence and bullying becomes an issue.
* Women’s issue: generalizing a movement as a “women’s movement”, as if it’s “all women”. Their labeling ME and creating hardships for women in general! They’re not helping any movement or march.
* It's been mentioned down thread, but one looming issue is MTF transsexuals being allowed to compete in girls'/women's sports. It seems to me that biological men shouldn't be allowed to erase female achievements. Isn't this the core of what feminism is about?

* Russian Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by just our Words and other outside Frequencies

* ( )
* Book Link:

RA Reports: Julian Assange and Freedom of the Press