Success Unscrambled Podcast

Success Unscrambled Podcast

SEO for Beginners: How To Get Your Blog Posts to Show Up in Google

May 26, 2019

Are you looking for a simple SEO for Beginners tutorial? Or maybe you just want your blog posts to show up in Google.

If you are new to the concept of search engine optimisation (SEO) you may be confused because it almost sounds like a foreign language.

The reason for this is because many articles use words that are unusual to a conversation in any normal setting.

Of course, understanding the language only brings you part of the way to helping you to get results for your blog or website.

To be honest, there are so many bloggers and small business owners who struggle with SEO in a big way which is good news for you.

You do not need to feel alone or somewhat isolated when it comes to understanding how to get your blog or website to appear in the Google results.

I will spend some time explaining the basics as best I can with the hope that it will help you to grasp foundational SEO concepts.

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Just in case you found this post by accident and you have never heard the phrase search engine optimisation or SEO before, here is a definition.

SEO simply means that you are placing your content in a format that can be easily understood by the search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

So that your content can be displayed accurately in the search results pages for users to consume.

Google's entire search business model is based on delighting the searcher with the best results.

The reason why you need to do this is that the technology used to index all those billions of pages of content are these things called spiders or bots.

They don't speak a language like English but they do understand codes. So, when we as bloggers place code around our content we are helping these spiders to understand how to index our content.

The term optimisation is the name given to the process that we use to tweak the content so that these spiders or bots can understand it.

photo by Matthew Henry

SEO for Beginners Tutorial

So, without further delay let me dive into this simple SEO for beginners tutorial which is going to help you to write your super SEO ready blog posts.

We are going to take things in steps as I don't want you to get lost along the way. The first step in this tutorial is thinking of a topic.

You can decide on any topic or sub-topic that is relevant to your blog or business. When I talk about a topic I am referring not just to a broad topic like food.

Think more along the lines of a sub-topic like vegan breakfast ideas or the first 6 months as a new Mother.

Once you have a sub-topic in mind spend some time mapping out that sub-topic into a series of 5-8 posts.

Google loves giving you authority for a bunch of topics (also known as topic clusters) rather than a single topic so you can help Google by writing in a series.

The series can also be in the form of a progression where you outline a process from start to finish.

Create Stunning Blog Posts Workbook