The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Sid Mohasseb: Evolving into the Best Version of Yourself

March 06, 2017

"We are here to experiment and to learn. If that is the purpose, then we have to constantly evolve to our own best version. You could call that changing. You could all that evolving. You could call it a natural process. When we don’t, we lose our creativity, we lose our momentum, we lose our place in the world, and we lose our purpose in the world, whatever that is. It’s unique for everybody and it’s different " - Sid MohassebSponsors Hostgator hosts your website. As you have heard on the show, you can get a 30% discount on the hosting of your next creative or business project’s website hosting by clicking here.Sid Mohasseb serial entrepreneur, venture investor, university professor, , business thought leader, public speaker and author of The Caterpillar’s Edge: Evolve, Evolve Again and Thrive in Business