The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

The Power of Doing Things That Might Not Work with Nathan Chan

November 30, 2016

If somebody wants to change their current situation, one of my favorite quotes is “if you’ve always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always got.” An that’s from Tony Robbins. You just kind have to try and shake things up and kind of step outside your comfort zone. I know might seem easy looking at it from the outside. But it’s certainly not. You just have to find a way to shake things up. That’s all you can do. And you have to take personal responsibility for where you are at this point in time right now because once you accept responsibility and own your shit, that gives you an opportunity to change that.  - Nathan ChanSponsorsHostgator hosts your website. As you have heard on the show, you can get a 30% discount on the hosting of your next creative or business project’s website hosting by clicking here.Nathan Chan is the Creator of Foundr, a multi-faceted digital media business spreading the love of entrepreneurship through its podcast, digital magazine, training platform