The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Creating the Life and Career You Truly Want with Geoff Blades

September 28, 2016

The question “what do I want?”,we make it this big all encompassing question like one day you’ll wake up and you’ll know with absolutely certainty what the rest of your life is about. And what I suggest is that’s a false idea. And when we build it up that way, we make the question so big that it’s hard too hard to answer. Instead the way see it today and teach it today, don’t see the question with an answer, see it as a process. See it as a question that you answer over time.  - Geoff BladesSponsorsHostgator hosts your website. As you have heard on the show, you can get a 30% discount on the hosting of your next creative or business project’s website hosting by clicking here.Designcrowd  gives you access to an entire creative team at a price that is accessible to anyone. For $100 off your first design project, click here and use promo code CREATIVE.Geoff Blades is an author and advisor to senior Wall Street Professionals, CEO's and other leaders, on all topics related to getting what they want in their business, careers, and lives.