Badass Agile

Badass Agile

Episode 52 - The Simple Art of Discipline

June 03, 2018
To fully live Agile values of frequent value delivery, self-organizing teams, continuous improvement, face-to-face communication - WHILE maintaining high standards for design and quality requires something most people don’t have enough of, and it’s one of my favourite topics.   Discipline.

  • Everything you learn about Agile, Scrum, and any other framework is designed to do one thing - create and harness disciplined action.  To do effective things repeatedly until they become habits, and then to build on those by incorporating more.
  • The fastest way to ensure that you deliver value all day every day is to learn the art of discipline, what it means, how to get more of it, and how to ensure you are always getting stronger and better - with or without your Agile practice and frameworks.