Back Porch Writer

Back Porch Writer

Ups and Downs Authorpreneurship

November 08, 2016

Born in London, Tony Halker studied geology at Leeds University after which he worked as a geologist, travelling extensively overseas. Following an MBA at Cranfield School of Management, he became a manager in hi-tec business.

The introduction of new technology threatens to upend the way of life in a Celtic Druid society as conflicting loyalties pit tribes against one another in this lyrical historical fiction from debut author. The Learn is heavily inspired by nature.

Things to remember:

Set up your Amazon author page at Author Central. You can do this for several countries. This also is where you can ensure that all of your books are available, add editorial reviews, your bio, and more. 

Write an intriguing book blurb. There are tons of resources available so that you can learn to do this. Don't pay someone to do it for you; you need to learn this skill in order to sell your books.

The time to begin writing your next book is yesterday.

A single book rarely gets you noticed.