The Axiom Amnesia Theory

The Axiom Amnesia Theory

Episode 129: History 1.2.9

January 28, 2013

Today, we’re giving you History version 1.2.9–what we know right now about the world. Of course, history is fluid because it doesn’t represent what actually happened, but rather what people say happened. And, as we know, the gulf between historical fact and fiction can be very wide, causing different versions and revisions of history. On this episode of The Axiom Amnesia Theory, Heit & Cheri set the record straight on historical fiction regarding inventions and commonly told Civil Rights stories.

Topics discussed include Terry Achane finally getting custody of his daughter after his ex-wife placed her up for adoption without his consent, challenges of interracial adoptions, two-parent home versus a single-parent home, definition of a “veteran”, types of military discharges, those credited as inventors stealing or taking credit for other peoples’ ideas, retelling history, Civil Right’s icons, Rosa Parks becoming first Black woman with a monument in D.C., Claudette Colvin’s fight for bus desegregation before Rosa Parks, pitfalls of following leaders, and more!

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Segment 1

Discussion about Terry Achane, who finally got custody of his daughter after his ex-wife placed her up for adoption without his consent.
Mention of the Baltimore Spectator, and whether or not he is still in jail.
Discussion about interracial adoptions, as was the case in Terry Achane’s situation.
In a society based on race identity, white parents cannot bring the children to understand the child’s racial identity.
Discussion that a loving home is better than being institutionalized, regardless of race.
Discussion about whether a two-parent home is better than a single-parent home.
A loving home for the child is the most important factor.
There is more than one way to do things. Both single- and two-parent homes have created wonderful human beings. There is no one right formula. The main thing is that the children be treated well.
Discussion about a mother who posted a pic of her child with emoticons of a drumstick and a watermelon. She said she did it because her child is Black. Imagine being a child with a racist parent like this.
Discussion about parents who have “favorite” children.
Discussion about the psychological effects on the children of custody disputes.
It probably helped Terry Archane’s case that he is a veteran–someone considered as an upstanding citizen.
Are you considered a veteran if you are still active duty?

What is a Veteran?

A veteran is defined by federal law, moral code and military service as “Any, Any, Any”… A military veteran is Any person who served for Any length of time in Any military service branch.

What is a War Veteran?

A war veteran is any GI (Government Issue) ordered to foreign soil or waters to participate in direct or support activity against an enemy. The operant condition: Any GI sent in harm’s way.

What is a Combat Veteran?

A combat veteran is any GI who experiences any level of hostility for any duration resulting from offensive, defensive or friendly fire military action involving a real or perceived enemy in any foreign theater.

Source: American War Library

Discussion about the difference between a war vet and a combat vet.
Discussion about the different types of discharges from the military.
It is a shame that people can put their lives on the line and still be discharged in such a way that they are denied some portion of benefit of their service.
Discussion about the politics involved in military medal awards.
Discussion about how inventors often take credit for the work that others do. They get all the glory and are in the history books, while the people who actually came up with the idea gets no credit, or makes no money from the idea.
Discussion about the word on social media is that the first slave ship that brought slaves to the United States was named “Jesus.” How do they know this? Is this just because a claim was made?
Discussion about Eli Whitney, Betsy Ross, and Thomas Edison being people to whom things are attributed that probably didn’t invent or do things to the extent that history claims.
Discussion about the race to the patent office to claim and invention. The first to claim is the one that receives the credit and control.
Discussion about how corporations hire engineers and take credit for all of the things they invent while employed.
Discussion about wrongly attributed inventions.
Discussion about how Obama wrongly attributed the invention of the car to America (Henry Ford).

Obama said America invented the automobile industry. In fact, the first market-viable car was developed by Germany’s Karl Benz. The first automobile was invented in 18th century France and the first internal combustion engine was invented in 1806 by a French-speaking Swiss man (this is why we use the French word “automobileâ€).

Source: Think Progress

Discussion about history being what was documented, not necessarily what actually happened.
Discussion about how Lance Armstorng’s seven Tour de France wins were basically erased from history, although we know they really happened. However, 1,000 years from now, all people will have is the historical record, which may not list him as the winner.
Discussion about a photo meme on social networks that shows pictures of historical figures and pop culture figures, and says that there is something wrong with you if you don’t know the historical figures and know the pop culture ones. They say that this makes you part of the problem with Black America.
Discussion about the faulty logic of basing “the problem with the Black Community” on whether a person can identify a photo of a historical figure.
Discussion about the new Rosa Parks statue in the Capitol.
Discussion about the disrespectful nature of the way the Rosa Parks story was told–this idea that Black folks “feets” was so tired that they wouldn’t give up a seat. This reduces the struggle to some arbitrary decision at a moment of fatigue.
The Rosa Parks stance of not giving up her seat was a planned event. In fact, she wasn’t the first woman the NAACP planned to champion. The first woman was actually Claudette Colvin. The NAACP found issue with her as a posterwoman because she was a teen mother and she also had broken the law by sitting in the “white” seats on the bus. Rosa Parks was actually sitting in the “colored” section, but refused to give her seat up.

Few people know the story of Claudette Colvin: When she was 15, she refused to move to the back of the bus and give up her seat to a white person — nine months before Rosa Parks did the very same thing.

Most people know about Parks and the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott that began in 1955, but few know that there were a number of women who refused to give up their seats on the same bus system. Most of the women were quietly fined, and no one heard much more.

Colvin was the first to really challenge the law.

Source: NPR

In this interview Claudette Colvin speaks about her experience with fighting segregation, and even being ostrasized by the Black community because of her teen pregnancy:

Discussion about how NAACP and even modern-day activists will only champion the “right” type of person.
Discussion about how Black history tends to focus on Civil Rights, first person to do something, etc.
Black history should consist of everything that happened, not just championing Black things. We should also be talking about some of the B.S. that went on too–things like how the NAACP didn’t want to champion Claudette Colvin because she was a teen unwed mother.
Discussion about how it is frowned upon for Blacks to say anything that could be perceived as being negative about Black historical figures and organizations–even if truthful.
Discussion about NAACP and their stance against the soda ban for the wrong reasons. They say it is because it will hurt business. Everyone missed the point that people should be able to have a choice of what they want to drink. Let the people decide!
Discussion about the notion that Blacks need leaders and choices for the group should be made by the few prominent leaders.
Discussion about the pitfalls of following a leader. We see this with the Republican party right now.
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