Arcane Radio

Arcane Radio

Mike Clelland - UFO Researcher, Experiencer and Author - Arcane Radio

September 14, 2018

I welcome UFO researcher, experiencer and author Mike Clelland to Arcane Radio. Mike has written extensively on the subject of alien abductions, synchronicities and owls. It was his first-hand experiences ​with these elusive events that have been the foundation for this research. His website, Hidden Experience, explores these events and their connections to the alien contact phenomenon. This site also features over 200 hours of audio interviews with visionaries and experts examining the complexities of the overall UFO experience. Mike's books 'The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee' and 'Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality' have been well-received by UFO researchers and enthusiasts.