

March Update

April 12, 2017

In This Episode
This is the March business report aka blog income report. I talk about my goals, focus and what’s next.

* Cashflow Diaries
* Microcosm Publishing
* Smart Passive Income
* Austin Podcasters Meetup
* Toggle Time Tracker

Show Credits
Hosted, produced, mixed, edited & scored by Mark

Why Publish An Income Report?
Publishing my quote-end-quote income report allows me to reflect back on the month to see what I did or didn’t do so well. Lastly, I have read other blog income reports such as SmartPassiveIncome and I like to see what they have tried. It is a form of motivation for me and I hope that this can be one for someone else. Be sure to check out CashFlowDiaries for bloggers that share their blog income reports. Or one that I’ve recently found from publisher Microcosm Publishing.
March 2017 Finance Report
Disclaimer: Any income reported will only be reported as “cash” in hand. If it did not deposit into my account, or if I didn’t cash a check, then it does not count as income. Additionally, income will only be reported for ApexThis business and not for personal income. I may discuss side hustles for additional side income, but only income in which I represent ApexThis will be counted. 
Income/Investment Report
Investment – $0.00
Expense Report
RawVoice (Blubrry) – ($12)
Blubrry is a service I used to host the podcasts for Admins of Atlassian and ApexThis. It has built-in integration with WordPress making it vastly easier to upload and maintain the podcasts.
Google Apps – ($5)
I use Google Apps for email primary, docs and drive.
Google Domain Renewal – ($24)
FedEx Print – ($3.36)
This is for the posters I had printed for the Austin Podcasters Meetup. I am a big fan if I must say so myself:

Austin Podcasters Meetup – ($135.85)
ApexThis sponsored the second Austin Podcasters meetup by providing food and beverages.  

* Total Income/Investments – $0.00
* Total Expense – ($180.21)
* Total Net – ($180.21)

Hours Worked
Time Logged -14hrs 52min 02sec
That is less time than last month and it shows.

What Happened?
March Goal Results:
One short story submission to a creative writing forum I frequent. This elicits feedback and contributes to my goal of publishing an anthology series (Maybe)
I wrote a short story first draft after being stuck on the ending for a week. Needs major work but I got it written, even if I didn’t submit it.
The first draft of ebook completed (Fail)
Intro completed, along with edits to other chapters. Still, needs work.
Write sponsorship letters (Maybe)
Letter completed but need to send out. I’ve already reached out to a few for sponsorship of the Austin Podcasters meetup.
First draft of next Toastmasters speech (Fail)
Half-way written but needs to be complete for my April speech.
Complete reading of Merchants of Culture (Fail)
Need to be finished but haven’t been in the righ...