AHHH Lifestyle

AHHH Lifestyle

Latest Episodes

047 – I’ll Be Back!
September 05, 2017

In this podcast I explain where I've been for over six month, and where my podcast show is going. No worries. I will be back! So in the meantime, sit back and relax while listening to 46 previous episodes that are packed solid with lots of good stuff!

046 – Wanting to Lose Weight Isn’t Shameful!
February 09, 2017

In this episode I answer the question: How can you be an intuitive eater using eating psychology, love yourself the way you are right now, and still want to lose weight without feeling guilt and shame? Plus,

045 – How Do You Distract Yourself? Embodiment vs Disembodiment
February 02, 2017

What happens when you check out vs. what happens when you allow yourself to feel emotions and move through them. This is especially helpful for people who feel they are emotional eaters or who feel they are too emotional.

044 – Prioritizing Positivity
January 26, 2017

In this episode I talk about increasing your daily diet of positive emotions. People who experience more positive emotions, experience more meaning. And those who experience more meaning, experience more positive emotions.

043 – Setting Your 2017 Goals & For the First Time Accomplishing Them!
January 19, 2017

New Year’s resolutions don’t work for most people. Extreme measures of goal setting, like SMART goals only work for about 25% of the population. Did you know that 75% people are not motivated by SMART goals at all?

042 – Ritualizing a Binge!
January 12, 2017

In order to binge the body must be in fight or flight stress response, technically called sympathetic dominance. The body cannot binge while relaxed. So when you make a binge a ritualistic process and savor every single moment before,

041 – Eating Fast vs. Eating Slow: How Each Affects Your Health
January 05, 2017

In this episode, I discuss how eating fast and eating slow can significantly influence your health. You will be shocked to learn how something so simple can make a profound difference in almost every area of your life - in ways you would have never exp...

040 – Using Your Core Values & Character Strengths to BE Authentically Happy
December 29, 2016

In this episode, I discuss core values, signature strengths, and character strengths specifically when using them to understand who you are on a psychological level, and how to use them to guide yourself on your authentic life path.

039 – Your Vibe Creates Your Tribe
December 15, 2016

In this episode, I discuss how to find your vibe, how that vibe creates your tribe, how your tribe affects your whole well being, and how to recreate your vibe if you need to. Hint: Look at the people you hang out with the most.

038 – Recovery From Compulsive Weighing
December 08, 2016

Are you compulsively weighing yourself? I interviewed five women who said they were addicted to their bathroom scale. I asked them several questions about their weighing practices, and they gave me permission to share their answers with you.