Just Vocabulary | ESL Podcast for learning SAT and GRE vocabulary

Just Vocabulary | ESL Podcast for learning SAT and GRE vocabulary

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JV776 (discreet and debonair)
March 02, 2020

discreet (adjective) Definition: 1. capable of keeping secrets; 2. careful to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others Example Sentences: – I trust his judgment, so I will leave the decision to his discretion. (choice, freedom to...

JV775 (capitalize and pretentious)
February 28, 2020

capitalize (verb) Definition: 1. to benefit from or take advantage of something; 2. to finance something; 3. to exchange debt for stock; 4. to write in capital letters Example Sentences: – I’m capitalizing on my...

JV774 (aghast and iridescent)
February 27, 2020

aghast (adjective) Definition: horrified or struck with amazement Example Sentences: – The Principal was aghast at the lack of discipline she witnessed in Mr. Jones’ classroom. (appalled, horrified) – I am completely aghast at such...

JV773 (parsimonious and disheartened)
February 26, 2020

parsimonious (adjective) Definition: unwilling to spend money Example Sentences: – His mother’s parsimonious habit of reusing aluminum foil drove him crazy. (penny-pinching) – He is simply too parsimonious to buy a new pair of shoes...

JV772 (autonomous and innumerable)
February 25, 2020

autonomous (adjective) Definition: 1. existing as an independent entity (especially in government); 2. free from external constraint; 3. able to make free and independent decisions Example Sentences: – Some people have expressed the opinion that...

JV771 (ebullient and percolate)
February 24, 2020

ebullient (adjective) Definition: 1. full of cheerful excitement or enthusiasm; 2. moving in a rapid, agitated, and irregular fashion. Example Sentences: – The river rafters eyed with excitement the ebullient water ahead. (agitated, bubbling) –...

JV770 (foreboding and nullify)
February 21, 2020

foreboding (noun) Definition: the feeling or sense that something bad is going to happen Example Sentences: – For some reason, stormy weather gives me a sense of foreboding. (apprehension, fear) – The ominous look on...

JV769 (expedient and hermetic)
February 20, 2020

expedient (adjective, noun) Definition: (adj.) 1. convenient as a means to an end, sometimes not morally acceptable; 2. governed by self-interest; (n.) a means to an end, often not principled or ethical Example Sentences: –...

JV768 (defy and irreverence)
February 19, 2020

defy (verb) Definition: 1. to openly challenge authority or power; 2. to challenge someone to do something; 3. to fail to be explained by something Example Sentences: – Brian defied his parents’ orders and went...

JV767 (expatriate and disperse)
February 18, 2020

expatriate (verb, noun) Definition: (v.) 1. to banish or exile someone from a country; 2. to permanently leave one’s country; (n.) an expatriated person Example Sentences: – Hemingway was an American expatriate who wrote of...