Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Recording for September 4, 2014

September 04, 2014

(week 140) 4 September 2014 12step study Big Book workshop This has the Big Book and AA Reflections read at the Friday noontime Trust & Rely meeting. has all the handouts and accumulated knowledge of Stephanie’s studies of the Big Book.

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Stephanie Whiting

P O Box 531

North Pembroke MA 02358

Stephanie has three groups running with the same number: 712 432 8816

and with the same callback number: 641 715-3900

(1)Tuesday 8am EST Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers pin 298913#

(2) Thursday 8am EST Big Book 12Step-Study Workshop pin 95666# ( All Addictions)

(3) Friday 12n EST Trust and Rely Workshop pin 91904#

Big Book How It Works page 63:2 3rd Step Prayer

We were now at Step Three. Many of us said to our Maker, as we understood Him:

“God, I offer myself to Thee – to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!â€

We thought well before taking this step making sure we were ready; that we could at last abandon ourselves utterly to Him.

Stephanie has encouraged us all to memorise the 3rd step prayer which she goes to, “…about fifty times day especially using as a mantra: ‘relieve me of the bondage of self.’â€

May I do Thy will God always!

This is a mini prayer. Bill is also warning us that If we start getting into our own will we are in a bad neighbourhood. Don’t think your will is bad. It is very, very needed as without your will God cannot operate with HIs will. Need to use your will and intellect to go where your Higher Power wants you to go. The Big Book says we’re given a mind to use.

Soul work

Q1. Write down:

Know your Maker and you will know peace.

No relationship with your Maker – no peace.

Stephanie is not my leader.

“I am your partner. I have gone before you in the Big Book and so I am waiting for you to come beside me. I am not going to push or pull you. I will walk beside you and guide you the way my sponsor guided me and told me that getting to know my Maker is what the Big Book is all about.

Q2. In the 3rd Step Prayer what does the word ‘seek’ mean?

Q3. If you want to personalise the 3rd step prayer by rewriting it, Stephanie encourages you.

Q4. Above the words: ‘Thy will not mine be done’ write: ’God’s will not mine be done.’

God is everything or God is nothing.

Q5 Action Plan:

Stephanie encourages us to have a daily action plan. She finds having an action plan prevents her getting into difficulties and the bondage of self. “I ask God first thing: What do you want me to do? Who do you want me to be with? I then make an action plan for the day. Make my food and write it out as I know God wants me to eat in a healthy manner.â€

She is willing to work with any of us to create an action plan but will not stay in the problem.

Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.

Q6. We all have difficulties. What are you going to do about yours?

[If you are in the problem you cannot possibly be in the solution].

Q7. Trust & Rely meeting

People demonise the will. In Quiet Time ask your Higher Power: Where do you want me to be?

Today God directs Stephanie’s life. Her Quiet Time is non-negotiable. She only got to understand God’s will through practice and listening. Come to the Trust and Rely meeting on Fridays (see above) and practice what we are doing, then you will be able to hear God.

Q8. Write down: Feelings are a gift, will is a gift, intellect is a gift and difficulties are a gift.

They all have to be used. Bring them through God’s will and sharing with others. The key word is ‘sharing’. The most Stephanie does is suggest having a Quiet Time. She does not tell anyone what to do.

Q9. Write on each of these statements:

a) Difficulties are a gift.

b) Intellect is a gift

c) Will is a gift.

d) Feelings are a gift.

Q10. How can each of these gifts be a stumbling block?

Q11. How can going to other people be a gift?

Q12. Next week bring AA 12 x12 to the workshop as we will be reading step 3.


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