Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Recording for May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014

A special Thank-You goes out to our Secretaries, Angela and Ashira. Your commitment to volunteering for this Step Study Workshop is greatly appreciated.


New Trust and Rely Workshop Fridays noon (EST): 712 4328816 pin 32450#

Playback number: 641 715 3900 pin 91904#

Using the AA Reflections book. We will read the day’s reading, then write and meditate on it and lastly share our experience of this. It is not about the 12 steps, nor is it a 12-step workshop. It is how Stephanie does her Quiet Time and after doing it for three years she had a dramatic experience with the God of her understanding.

In a few weeks will look for a volunteer to co-lead with Angela.

The only requirement is a commitment to show up no matter what.

2010 Trust & Rely Workshop

641 715 3900 pin 235934# summary part one, 578290# part two. 95 minutes each.

If you are going to break your sobriety go to the four-year-old Trust & Rely Workshop. Listen to the summary (parts 1 2 3.) Listen to the powerlessness, of going to a Higher Power rather than your addiction.

Stephanie finds it very helpful to listen to when feeling down and depressed. She finds it really makes a big difference and tells you what to expect. She explains: “I am powerless. I am going to feel like I am going to go back. But I made a decision and I am going to carry out that decision because I have a loving Godâ€.

Ask Your Sponsor: 8.30-9.15am EST First Thursday of the month

On first Thursday of the each month (except September when abroad), Stephanie will stay on the meeting until 9.15am EST to answer our questions. This is especially important as we go into the third, fourth and fifth steps. She says: “You need good generalship. Well you can look at me as your general. A general leads the troops. Doesn’t mean the general is a better person or more recovered. Just a general has more experience. They suit up they show up and that’s me.â€

You can also text, call or e-mail her with any questions: 617 774 7916 stephaniew

Taking the Third Step.

Stephanie says, “I wish I could tell you exactly when we will be doing the third step. We are really going slow on steps 1, 2 and 3. I don’t know how to do it any other way. I love you enough to give you everything I know. As we get closer I will tell you. If you cannot make it, I will take you through the step individually by making a a 15-minute appointment with you during the week.â€

We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection. There are no ‘cannot’s.

Saying I can’t can be a real racket, a cop-out and excuse. A way that your disease gets you to believe that you cannot. The antidote is to say: “No God I can’t do that on my own, but (‘but’ discounts everything said before) I can with you God and I am going to ask your help.”

Today’s reading:

Big Book p. 60 paragraph 1, next to last sentence:

” The principles we have set down are guides

to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than perfection.

Our description of the alcoholic, the chapter to the agnostic, and our personal adventures before and after make clear these pertinent ideas:

(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives.

(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism.

(c) That God could and would if He were sought.”

Q1) Where is our description of the alcoholic in the Big Book?

Q2) Take each of the above statements- a, b, and c- and write them out, inserting your own particular addiction(s) into statement ‘a’.

(a) Are you willing to admit that you cannot manage your own life?

(b) What constitutes human power for you?

Write on this.

(c) Share with each other your personal (success) stories. Learn about each other.

Q3) (a) Where are you at- (a), (b), or (c) in today’s reading?

(b) Are you still doubting that you cannot manage your own life?

(c) What human power are you trying to use to relieve your addiction?

(d) Or, are you willing to come to the end of yourself and believe that a HP can really help you?

Q4) Where are you in this process?

(a) Are you having trouble with surrender?

(b) With your Quiet Time?
