Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Recording for May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014

Week 124) 15 May 2014 12-step study Big Book workshop

Big Book: Chapter 5 How It Works page 60 all of first paragraph:

Many of us exclaimed, ‘What an order! I can’t go through with it.’ Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. the principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.

New Trust & Rely Workshop 12 noon EST Fridays on 712 432 8816 pin 32450#

Playback number: 641 715 3900 pin 91904#

Using the AA Reflections book. We will read the day’s reading, then write and meditate on it and lastly share our experience of this. It is not about the 12 steps, nor a 12-step workshop. It is the way that Stephanie does her Quiet Time (and been encouraging us to do so for the last 2.5 years) and after doing it for three years she had a dramatic experience with the God of her understanding. Her goal is that the workshop “goes on for ever and ever. I am very excited about it.â€

It will be recorded. If you don’t want your sharing on the call-back number then there is the technology for it not to be recorded. Everybody has a right to feel comfortable.

3rd July: Step 3 commitment.

Stephanie will be staying on as long as anybody needs and will be taking people through a commitment of step 3. This part of the meeting will not be recorded.

Soul work

Write down: Move a muscle, change a thought.


I am going to turn my life (which is all my actions) and my will (which is my thinking), over to my Higher Power.

Look up: discouraged, adherence, principles

Many of them exclaimed, What an order! I can’t go through with it.†Do not be discouraged.

Q1. What in your life are you thinking ‘What an order! I can’t go through with it?’

Q2. Are you discouraged today and if so, what are you discouraged about?

Are you willing to make an action plan so you can get up and out of your discouragement?

Q2. Are you trying to live the principles of the 12 steps perfectly? Or trying to live them to the best of your ability?

Q3 Are you focused on the right hand trying to be perfect or on the left discouraged and giving up? In the middle is an action plan. Do you have one?

Q4 Are you a lone wolf, physically? What do you for your physical action plan?

a. Do you have any accountability around your health boundaries?

c) Are you a lone wolf with your emotions? Do you have healthy boundaries?

i. What about spiritually? Do you do your Quiet Time?

Are you a lone wolf or do you have a spiritual buddy (or any type of buddy) that walks beside you?