Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Recording for March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014

week 114) Big Book Workshop  13 March 2014


• Once again, Stephanie’s new address for donations to the website is:

Stephanie Whiting

POB 531

N. Pembroke, MA 02358


• The only requirement to participate in an open study-buddy group is to announce yourself. And if you have not done the work, just add, after announcing yourself: (Hello) “I’m just listening today.”


• The Trust and Rely open group that starts this Saturday Mar. 15, 2014 at 12n is a group Quiet Time where participants will listen, write, meditate and read together.


AA 12 x 12 Step 2  Page 32 (1953 edition) Halfway through paragraph which begins

‘To the clergymen...’ until end of the paragraph ‘…enough grace to restore us to sanity.’


Soul work


‘In both cases, we had been asking something for nothing.’  

Q1.  Have I been trying to get something for nothing?


‘In no deep or meaningful sense had we ever taken stock of ourselves, made amends to those we had harmed, or freely given to any other human being without any demand for reward.  We had  not even prayed rightly. We had always said ‘Grant me my wishes’ instead of ‘They will be done.’â€Â  The love of God and man we understood not at all.  Therefore we remained self-deceived and so incapable of receiving enough grace to restore us to sanity.’


Q2. Write on how it is lack of humility to say: Grant my wishes. A humble person will say ‘Thy will be done’. Write about how it makes you feel in your gut when you are told you can’t say grant me something. 


Q3.  What does it mean to be a gimme gimme type of person? Are you one?   

It is not black and white. Be honest. Remember you are writing your fourth step here. even though we are on step two. All of this gut level writing is going to make the biggest difference in your life, right here and now.

