This Ends Well

This Ends Well

Latest Episodes

Decisions, Decisions
June 26, 2013

Today was an amazing day, yesterday was frustrating and weird, and it's been over two weeks since we had a chat, so Kelsen & Kev sat down and chatted about what's going on in the world. From the Supreme Court of the United States, to tribal sovereignty, t

Catching Up
June 04, 2013

It's been about a month since our last show, as Kelsen has been out traveling the world, and Kev has been busy with local stuff, but we finally found a moment and have caught up on all that's happened. You'll enjoy the show, for sure. On a scheduling not

Unicorns and Deviate Sex Acts
April 19, 2013

Montana's Most Opinionated Podcast™ returns for another scintillating discussion about all things that have happened in the lives of Kelsen & Kev. With gay sex now being decriminalized in Montana, as well as the de-gendering of the Partner Family Assau...

My Head Hurts
March 29, 2013

Well, it's been a whirlwind week of madness here in the Capitol City and Montana's Most Opinionated Podcast™ has decided to tackle beer, HB616, HB2, Medicaid Expansion, the political rift in the GOP and the holy buckets of madness that have been spread...

Rambling On
March 20, 2013

It's time for Montana's Most Opinionated Podcast™ to get back in the swing of things after an unexpected hiatus due to schedules and colds and plagues and all-around just not having a moment free. So let's all catch up, shall we?

Half Off To Miami
February 26, 2013

Well, things were a tad flustered and busy and crazy and then, BAMMO!, it was Sunday night. Then the site broke and we couldn't post Montana's Most Opinionated Podcast. But now it's up and ready to tingle your earballs. Enjoy!

Crazy, Tired, Opinionated
February 04, 2013

Yep, it's us once again, as we tackle the last week of madness that happened, and we talk about bad bills, crazy ideas, votes, and a bunch of other stuff. Won't you join us?

Adorkable Birthdays and Highway Fashions
January 29, 2013

On this episode of Montana's Most Opinionated Podcast™, you'll hear about how rapey certain groups aren't, how the map of Helena is confusing, and just how many wonderful things in the world are just absolutely adorkable. We also take about IHOP arson,

Inappropriate Humors
January 21, 2013

This week kicks off with a re-wrap of last week, as well as some thoughts on the current legislature, some quick news about Cow Tipping Comedy, and the fact that humor finds a home in the most unlikely of places. There's a good bit about what's going on w

Once again, Do See Do
January 14, 2013

Well, it’s back to the regular grind as Kelsen & Kev take on the beginning of the new year, the start of the Montana Legislature, and the hopes, challenges and ideas that have sprung forth. Plus, there’s the secrets of … Continue reading →