Think by Numbers

Think by Numbers

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Anti-Terrorism Spending 50,000 Times More Than on Any Other Cause of Death
October 04, 2016

The US spends more than $500 million per victim on anti-terrorism efforts. However, cancer research spending is only $10,000 per victim. Evolutionary psychology may offer an explanation for this irrational threat amplification.

Financial Sector Costs Us More than Any Other Sector In Economy
April 11, 2016

The financial sector receives more of the average paycheck than any other sector of the economy.  Its share of the economy totals $2 trillion dollars. In 1985, the financial sector earned less than 16% of domestic corporate profits.  Today,

Financial Sector Costs Us More than Any Other Sector In Economy
April 11, 2016

The financial sector receives more of the average paycheck than any other sector of the economy.  Its share of the economy totals $2 trillion dollars. In 1985, the financial sector earned less than 16% of domestic corporate profits.  Today,

Why Think by Numbers?
June 25, 2013

A world without disease, starvation, violence, and suffering is the ultimate destination of humanity. Getting there will require voters to base their decisions on statistical cost-benefit analyses instead of irrational emotions.

Why Think by Numbers?
June 25, 2013

Numbers cannot lie. A world without disease, starvation, violence, and suffering is the ultimate destination of humanity. Getting there will require voters to base their decisions on statistical cost-benefit analyses instead of irrational emotions.