That Witchy Place

That Witchy Place

Latest Episodes

December 14, 2012

There is an often overlooked component to Paganism, it's propagation, and the fostering of a tolerant environment in which it can, in it's many forms, be fostered and actively encouraged to grow and flourish. That component isn't the expected tolerance fr

Thinking Past Modern Samhain
October 05, 2012

in which I discuss some problems with sterilizing the historical context of Samhain and also provide some of my views on 'the veil'

The Sacred Landscape
September 14, 2012

In my day-to-day life, I have the pleasure of being able to hike very beautiful land. I've been blessed to have this particular form of exercise or hobby for most of my life. I've always managed to be lucky enough to live in places where there is plenty o

August 31, 2012

I recently received an email from someone asking about my views on reincarnation and how they fit into my spiritual practice. What they specifically wanted to know is if I thought some place like 'the Summerland' actually existed. Personally, I don't thin

The Implications of Magick without Forethought
July 06, 2012

Learn to not blindly send out intentions and energy without any regards for the consequences. Good intention have them too.

Buying and Selling Magick
June 05, 2012

Today’s topic is a rather controversial one, but it’s something that I feel strongly about and wanted to tell you all about and that “Buying and Selling Magick”. I know this is a little out-of-the-way from what the other shows are usually about, b

What is Earth-centric Paganism?
May 22, 2012

Many people take is for granted that all Pagans are Earth-centric in their spiritual beliefs, but I'm here to tell you that just isn't the case. In fact, it appears that there are many Pagans who are fairly indifferent about environmental topics like recy

Episode 0 – An Introduction
May 21, 2012

A short introductory podcast explaining what That Witchy Place is about and what you can expect from future shows.