The Self-Sufficient GardenerThe Self-Sufficient Gardener

The Self-Sufficient GardenerThe Self-Sufficient Gardener

Latest Episodes

Episode 199 Five Myths About Soil and Fertility
June 05, 2013

Today I tackle five myths (or at the least misconceptions) about soil and fertility.

Episode 198 Ten Homestead Tools Made of Barrels
May 19, 2013

In today's episode I talk about 10 things you can make from barrels that will benefit you on the homestead.  I cover much more in my book The Scrounged Homestead.  I cover more projects.  How to find barrels and where.  How to secure a source.  The d

Episode 197 No and Low Till Planting Methods
May 09, 2013

It is my opinion that if you really want a "beyond organic" garden then it behooves you to avoid tilling your soil.  Besides lasagna bed gardening I don't think we've given gardeners too many options on how to plant their crops without tilling the soil t

Episode 196 Cooking With Trash
May 02, 2013

Ok so now that the title has your attention...Today we are going to talk about cooking with things that you might normally throw away in your kitchen.  These are things that are perfectly edible but most people seem to compost them because they require e

Episode 195 Five Unlikely Edibles in Your Garden
April 25, 2013

On today's show I talk about five things in your garden that you can eat but likely aren't.  I didn't mention some things that are so commonly unlikely edible (like squash blossoms) because these have become mainstream.  I discuss things that up to a fe

Episode 194 The Concept and Execution of a “Kitchen Garden”
April 17, 2013

Today I talk about the "Kitchen Garden".  This is a conceptual garden that works in a way that fits with property design and fresh, real cooking.  It's not necessary to have one or to use it like I suggest but hopefully this gets some ideas going!

Episode 193 Chicken Tractors
April 11, 2013

Today I tackle the subject of chicken tractors.  I'm getting a lot of questions about them and since I've built several I know a bit about them.  I figure if you are looking at building one then you don't need me to convince you by telling you what they

Episode 192 Uses and Benefits of Sweet Gum Trees
March 27, 2013

On today's show I talk about how useful the much maligned sweet gum tree can be.  Some things I've found out about it and some otherwise documented uses. (...

Episode 191 Incubating Eggs
March 21, 2013

In today's show I talk about incubating eggs.  Not just my personal experiences but also what studies say about temperature, turning and much more. ( Also check out my

Episode 190 Lessons Learned from Raising Rabbits
March 14, 2013

No, not the philosophical type lessons.  Just concrete things that I did wrong and some right and the things I'm going to change. (