Savvy Psychologist

Savvy Psychologist

Latest Episodes

Tips for combatting emotional and cognitive patterns (EMS Part 2)
April 17, 2024

Part 2 of our series on "Early Maladaptive Schemas" or EMS.

11 physical signs of a panic attack
August 04, 2023

In order to understand panic attacks, we must first understand our own nervous system.

You’ve got 99 problems—here are 4 solutions
July 28, 2023

If you follow these guidelines and tailor them to the nuances of your own life, they can work.

8 signs you’re sensitive to rejection
July 21, 2023

How many of you have spent days or weeks patrolling someones social media, re-re-re-re-reading text exchanges, and internally chastising yourself for being inadequate or unlovable? Dont be sheepish,

3 factors affecting the love in your life
July 14, 2023

I get so many questions about love and dating in my office and from my listeners on a daily basis that I think its time to talk about it.

The 3 Functions of Emotions
July 07, 2023

Emotionswhat are they good for? Today we're going to talk about what functions emotions serve and how to use them as tools in our everyday lives.

How Trauma Hijacks the Brain
June 30, 2023

Trauma can disrupt the cohesion between the three parts of your brain. Reflect on how each of your three brains responds in different situations, and use that information to help identify intervention

How to cope when your identity is political
June 23, 2023

Since it's pride month, we'll particularly focus on LGTBQIA+ communities.

9 signs that you may have Borderline Personality Disorder
June 16, 2023

Were going to hit up the DSM-5-TR and explore the criteria for BPD.

4 ways to HEAL your outlook
June 09, 2023

You all know that I specialize in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and that I love acronymsand todays episode includes both!