Renal Diet Menu Headquarters

Renal Diet Menu Headquarters

Renal Diet Headquarters Podcast 031 - Home Food Safety Myths and Facts for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

July 30, 2014

Mathea Ford

Podcast #31 Released on July 30, 2014      

Send in your questions about all things related to chronic kidney disease to

This week we discuss our plans for the summer picnics and how to make some simple yet yummy foods to take with you.  Also, some hints on keeping food safe and healthy when you travel. 

Picnics and Food Safety is the theme for the month, and I want you to send in your questions about it.  I am going to spend time talking about how to do those so you are healthier.

#1 – Let’s talk about the top 6 food safety myths that might be making you sick.  You might already know one or two, but these are some that people are not aware of most of the time.  Learn what you should do in and out of the kitchen to stay healthy and safe for your family.  Talk about ways to stay safe in the kitchen.  

RDHQ 031 Transcript

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