End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

Blood Moons, Feasts, and the Shemitah, could America’s Economy Fall in 2015?

August 14, 2014

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Blood Moons, Feasts, and the Shemitah, could America’s Economy Fall in 2015?
Michael Snyder

We talked about the Remnant that the father is rising up Revelation 14: 12Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Yeshua
We talked about the coming collapse as well as other things about to happen or are happening to America!
But there is hope in this program!

“Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests,
say, do, or believe. It is up to you to pray and sort it out!â€
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