End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

Pharoah Morsi, the Great Pyramid and the Everlasting Covenant

January 20, 2013

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Pharoah Morsi, the Great Pyramid and the Everlasting Covenant
Karin Anderson 01.20.2013

This program is part of an ongoing study or revealing by Karin Anderson,
the study has taken us through the Stars of heaven to the Cave of the
ant-Christ….where is she headed with this? Listen in, study for yourself,
and above all pray about every word….
Karin Anderson is a researcher. She and her Husband were participants in the Vendyl Jones Archeology Dig in 1992 for the Tabernacle of Israel.
For her work on the dig she was awarded some of the incense from the last Temple period.
In 1996 she burned the ancient Holy incense from the last Temple of Israel in the Great Pyramid in Egypt, in order that it might become a sign and alter to the Lord of Hosts.
She beheld a vision which later helped her understand that the Archeo-Astronomy built into the Great Pyramid.
Her knowledge of the Dead Sea Scrolls, particularly the 1QM War Scroll and the scrolls written by King David, give new insight as to the final events that will occur in Israel. She has over 10,000 hours of study on the Dead Sea -1QM War Scroll and its relationship to the Bible.This scroll is considered by many knowledgeable people, to be the longest prophetical description of the final wars of God. The big question is, does it line up with the Bible?

“Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe.
It is up to you to pray and sort it out!â€
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as
“We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!â€
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