End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

A chance to live forever and remain forever young

January 17, 2013

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A chance to live forever and remain forever young
Stan Johnson
A chance to live forever and remain forever young

Stan for some time has insisted that the beast would offer Eternal life though an injection which would be part of the mark of the beast.
One that would make you live forever and make you young….
Tonight he presented just that, someone, a doctor claims to have just
Such a thing and has tested it in part…. Really…

Also The Prophecy Club has many, many DVDs, Stan is offering
all Prophecy Club DVD’s half off till the end of Jan.2013 and will
take all the money from the sales and give it to the
Messiah’s Branch “Mission Church†You can go
Online at http://www.prophecyclub.com/index.htm to see what you want
But you must call them at Phone: 785-266-1112 or 1-888-799-6111
to make the order and say “ I want to help Messiah’s Branch by ordering
these DVD’s….till the end of Jan. 2013
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as
“We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!â€
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