Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery

One Therapy for Parkinson's Disease with a Proven Track Record of Success

October 08, 2014

Hear my thoughts on the one therapy for Parkinson's disease with a proven track record. You can adopt this therapy yourself. It requires no prescriptions from doctors. And, it is free to activate any moment of the day or night. What in the world is this therapy? Listen in to find out.

I also answer a number of questions about therapies that help reverse the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Some of the questions I addressed are:  

I have been very focused on heavy metal and liver detox/diet is 60 - 70 percent raw food - lots of greens. I feel my gait has improved but my left hand/arm tremor is getting worse. I take only LDN. Any thoughts? 
How can I reduce and/or stop a hand tremor? Also, stop the tremor temporarily for several hours for a particular activity like ballroom dancing 
I am thinking if introducing CBD's in my regimen to address symptoms. Could you elaborate on the mechanism and use of CBD's.
What is the best remedy for face muscle stiffness? 
My husband has PD and is taking the low dose naltrexone (found out on your program and doing well with it. Also takng caridopa and pramipexole 3X day. He now has a poblem with drooling which is a really hard thing to face and deal with. Suggestions?
I will do anything possible to reverse my PD. Please help.
What do you know related to the use of Wellbutrin to optimize dopamine and the use of CBD 's to neutralize symptoms? 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery Mindfulness Series