Overcome Pornography for Good

Overcome Pornography for Good

6. All or Nothing Thinking

February 17, 2021

In today's episode we talk about all or nothing mindset. This is one of the most common things I see with my clients.

All or nothing mindset looks like, “I already messed up today, so I am not going to try for the rest of the day”, “I can’t start until i’m 100% sure I can do this”, and by counting progress as number of days without pornography instead of counting progress as number of urges processed.

In reality, quitting pornography is like learning any new skill. Failure does not keep us from quitting, it teaches us and helps us to become stronger as long as we learn from it.

You will love this episode.


Ready to commit to quitting pornography? I would love to be your coach. Visit this link to work with me: https://www.sarabrewer.com/workwithme