Metaverse Reverie

Metaverse Reverie

Latest Episodes

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 8 – Blow the Candles Out
September 20, 2014

Most of this weeks episode is taken up by discussion on the most recent wave of harassment and controversy.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 7 – Shermed Out, or Tears of the Dome-Beast
August 28, 2014

The luminary, artist, and friend Dominick Rabrun joins us for a sit down session of gab. Doms known for his work on Doms Sketchcast and, most recently, on Hip Hop RPG.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 6 – Puppies and Unicorns
August 20, 2014

Aleks has a fireside chat with artist Jack Cooke, formerly of Firaxis games. We discuss his experiences working at the venerable game studio, game jams, project scope, growing up with and without technology, and all sorts of other stuff.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 5 – Everyone in Philly Is a Serial Killer
July 28, 2014

This week, we begin the discussion with Heavy Rain and episodic vs. long form experiences, continue on to more L.A. Noire and Assassins Creed, and then transition into some dark and soulfully confessional Dark Souls confessions. It gets pretty real.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 4 – Gaia’s Wrath
July 15, 2014

Aleks and Arie celebrate their fourth episode (making for a full months worth of delicious content), and discuss replaying old classics, and exploring new ones. They also spend a fair chunk of the podcast gushing about Divinity: Original Sin.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 3 – Arachnid Menace
July 05, 2014

Join Aleks and Arie on a horrifying and exciting thrill ride as they battle through legions of rabid spiders and face their darkest fears.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 2 – Off the Beaten Path, We Dream
June 27, 2014

We take an extra half hour as Aleks gushes and raves about The Secret World, and somehow manage to find the time to discuss the Steam Summer Sale, the problematics of impulse buying and digital media ownership, solipsism, and the ephemeral nature of life.

Metaverse Reverie, Episode 1 – Haxxor’s Delight
June 21, 2014

Our inaugural episode is here, and its chock full of Aleks and Aries profound insight and puckish mischief! This week, we discuss various aspects of Watch Dogs with the aid of a brilliant Multimedia Sandwich analogy (and go on a fair number of tangents).